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Moxi Laser





Moxi Laser

Sciton Moxi is the latest way to REVITALIZE AND REFRESH your skin’s appearance by correcting uneven pigmentation and improving skin tone and texture.  Amethyst Wellness in Palm Coast, Florida is proud to offer the latest technology for skin improvement.

Moxi delivers non-ablative laser energy to revitalize your skin by correcting the initial signs of sun damage and aging no matter the season or your skin type.

Moxi is intended for the treatment of:  

  • Aging
  • Fine Lines
  • Wrinkles
  • Sun damage
  • Melasma
  • Enlarged Pores
  • Skin Texture
  • Uneven Skin

Recovery Time

  • 3-5 days of downtime
  • Temporary reddening, warmth and discoloration of the skin
  • Mild swelling is to be expected and should resolve in 1-3 days
  • Dark spots (call MENDs) will appear. MENDs are part of the healing process where treated tissue is working its way out of your body as new fresh skin is regenerated. During this time, your skin will be very dry and feel like sandpaper before flaking and peeling off.


Our clients experience improvement in their overall tone and texture in addition to a reduced appearance of discoloration, fine lines, and pore size. Most clients experience increased skin reflectivity and glow as well.

Before and After


  • photo of Amethyst Wellness
    photo of Amethyst Wellness
  • photo of Amethyst Wellness
    photo of Amethyst Wellness
  • photo of Amethyst Wellness
    photo of Amethyst Wellness
  • photo of Amethyst Wellness
    photo of Amethyst Wellness
  • photo of Amethyst Wellness

Q: What should I expect during the procedure?

A: You will arrive at least 30 minutes prior to your appointment time.  Your provider will take photos and apply a topical numbing agent to the treatment area.  During the procedure, you may experience mild discomfort.  The skin will feel warm.


Q: Is there downtime associated with the procedure?

A: There is minimal downtime after Moxi.  Immediately following treatment, your skin will look red like a sunburn.  It may also feel very warm.  There may be mild swelling for 1-2 days.  Additionally, your skin will feel very dry.  Any pigmented areas, may appear darker until they slough off in 4-7 days.


Q: Can Moxi treat all skin types?

A: Yes. Moxi is safe for all skin types.


Q: How many Moxi treatments do I need?

A: This will depend on your treatment goals and the level of correction desired. Most patients receive 3 to 4 corrective Moxi treatments, then often elect for regular maintenance treatments. Talk to your practitioner about your goals and they can advise you on the best treatment regimen. 


Paired treatments

See more dramatic results with combined treatments.

Patients that combine treatments like BBL and Moxi see better, faster results than doing just one treatment. Together, the 2 devices synergistically combat skin issues such as discoloration, scarring, fine lines and textural issues. BBL and Moxi together offer the ultimate tone and texture corrective treatment.




Amethyst Wellness
50 Cypress Point Parkway, Suite B1+B2
Palm Coast, FL 32164
Phone: 386-283-4180
Fax: 386-866-5831

Office Hours

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