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Hair Restoration With PRP And Peptides Specialist

Amethyst Wellness

Aesthetic Specialists & Preventive Medicine Specialists located in Palm Coast, FL

Amethyst Wellness in Palm Coast, Florida offers Placement Rich Plasma (PRP) and Peptide treatments for hair restoration. Hair loss can be quite concerning for individuals, affecting self-esteem and confidence. Our practitioners are proud to offer in-office solutions to optimize hair growth and minimize further loss.



Hair Restoration with PRP and Peptides



Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Peptide Therapy for Hair Restoration

Frequently Asked Questions

 What is PRP?

Platelet Rich Plasma, also known as PRP, is derived from the patient’s own blood in the following manner. A fraction of blood (60cc) is drawn from the individual patient into a syringe. This is a relatively small amount compared to blood donation. The blood is spun in a special centrifuge to separate its components (red blood cells from white blood cells, including platelets and monocytes).


How Does PRP work?

The Platelet Rich Plasma containing monocytes and various plasma proteins are collected into a syringe. Calcium Chloride 10% and Sodium Bicarbonate 8.4% solution may be added in 7ml volume to the syringe containing PRP. Calcium Chloride and Sodium Bicarbonate both work to activate the platelets, thus leading to the liberation of growth factors and healing elements. The activated platelets are then injected into the scalp. As the platelets organize in the clot, they release a number of enzymes to promote healing and tissue responses including attracting stem cells and growth factors to repair damaged tissue and cause regeneration and rejuvenation. The full procedure may take between  45-60 minutes.


Is PRP Safe?

PRP'S SAFETY has been established for over 20 years for its wound healing properties and its theoretical effectiveness has extended across multiple medical specialties including cardiovascular surgery, orthopedics, sports medicine, podiatry, ENT, neurosurgery, dental and maxillofacial surgery (dental implants and sinus elevations), urology, dermatology (chronic wound healing), ophthalmology, and cosmetic surgery. The use of PRP for anything other than mixing with bone marrow is considered “off label” and experimental.


What are the Benefits of PRP?

PRP is autologous (using your own blood) therefore eliminating allergy potential. PRP has been shown to have tissue regenerating effects. Other benefits include minimal downtime, short recovery time, and no general anesthesia is required.


Who is eligible for PRP?

PRP use is safe for most individuals between the ages of 18-80. There are very few contraindications, however, patients with the following conditions are not candidates:

  1. Pregnancy or Lactation

  2. Acute and Chronic Infections

  3. Skin diseases (i.e. SLE, porphyria, allergies)

  4. Cancer

  5. Chemotherapy treatments

  6. Severe metabolic and systemic disorders

  7. Abnormal platelet function (blood disorders, i.e. Hemodynamic Instability, Hypofibrinogenemia, Critical Thrombocytopenia)

  8. Chronic Liver Disease 

  9. Anti-coagulation therapy (Coumadin, Warfarin, Plavix, Aspirin, Lovenox)

  10. Underlying Sepsis

  11. Systemic use of corticosteroids within two weeks of the procedure


 What are the Side Effects?

Some of the potential side effects of Platelet Rich Plasma include:

  1. Pain or burning at the injection site

  2. Bleeding, bruising and/or Infection, as with any type of injection

  3. Short lasting pinkness/redness (flushing) of the skin

  4. Allergic reaction to the solution, an/or topical anesthetic

  5. Injury to a nerve and/or muscle, as with any type of injection

  6. Itching and swelling at the injection site(s)


     Before and 4 weeks after the first treatment

















There are 4 Peptides that are part of the Hair Restoration Protocol:

1.Thymosin Beta 4

2. ZN-Thymulin

3. GHK-Cu.

4. PTD-DBM / Valproic Acid


What are Peptides?

 Peptides are biological molecules that are made up of amino acids. A peptide is a chain of covalently bonded amino acids that can consist of anywhere between 2 and about 40 amino acids in length, which can then be bonded together to form proteins in the body. The function that a peptide carries out is dependent upon which types of amino acids are involved in the chain. While peptides are involved in a number of ways in the body's chemistry, they can best be classified by their functions.


The goal and possible benefits of this therapy are to try to induce new follicular growth and strengthen existing hair follicles with the combination of PRP and Pharmaceutical Peptides.


What are the benefits of Peptide Therapy?


Thymosin Beta 4 encourages new growth of blood vessels, aids in tissue repair, and compliments the peptides that encourage new follicular growth.


GHK-Cu peptides are known to stimulate epidermal stem cells, promote collagen production, thicken and strengthen existing hair follicles and can even prevent premature graying of hair.

ZN-Thymulin strengthens the immune system, initiates new hair growth, and increases the quality of hair.


PTD-DBM / Valproic Acid has unique wound healing properties and stimulates the development of hair follicles.


Who Can Use Peptide Therapy?


The Pharmaceutical Peptides used for this therapy is safe with little side effects. There are few to no contraindications, however, patients with cancer and acute or chronic liver disease are not candidates.


What are the Side Effects?

 At physiological blood levels, there are not expected to be any significant risks/adverse reactions as long as full medical disclosure is achieved from the patient during the total time of therapy.

Some side effects include:

  1. Itchy at the injection site

  2. Red bump at the injection site

  3. Water retention

  4. Increased hunger

  5. Dry mouth

  6. Tingling/numbness in toes and fingers

  7. Increased tiredness and physical yawning

  8. Increase in hair growth and speed of nail growth

  9. Shedding of existing hair

  10. Minimal or no effect from treatment


What is the full protocol? 

For optimal results, we recommend 3 PRP treatments to the scalp, spaced 4 weeks apart. We highly recommend the concurrent use of Peptide Therapy during the 3-month treatment period.